Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Review for 4th exam

1. What are two important factors in determining what type of Biome one will find in a given area?

2. What causes the seasons here in North America?

3. What are three strategies plants have developed to survive in the cold dry,and sometimes dark conditions of the Tundra?

4. What kind of adaptations have animals developed to survive in:
A. The tundra
B. The deserts

5. What is a rain shadow, and how does it account for different plant communities occurring at the same latitude, but on opposites sides of a mountain range?

6. In what biomes does fire play an important role, and what is this role?

7. How are coniferous forests different from deciduous forests?

Population Ecology and Interactions

1. Define resource partitioning and give an example of it.

2. How is a parasite different from a parasitoid?

3. How is a parasite different from a predator?

4. How are density dependent limiting factors different from density independent limiting factors? Give examples of each.

5. Define and give examples of the following: Mutualism, Commensalism, social parasite.

6. What are common strategies predators use to capture prey, and common defenses found in prey?

7. Draw a food web that could occur in your backyard or here at Cerritos. Include all the trophic levels we discussed in class.

8. Why are there fewer members of the upper trophic levels as compared with primary consumers or the producers?

9. What is carrying capacity?

Global Warming, Ozone loss, acid rain

1. What types of gases trap heat in the atmosphere? What are the sources of these gases?

2. What are some consequences of global warming?

3. What gases contribute to acid deposition?

4. What are the sources of the gases in question 3?

5. How has the problem of acid rain been reduced in the US?

6. What are the consequences of acid deposition?

7. What causes the seasonal loss of ozone in the antarctic?

8. Where is the ozone layer and why is it important?

9. What has been done to solve the problem of ozone loss?